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Frazzled to Fabulous Mums Tapathon Videos

13 five-minute EFT tapping videos to get you through the day

Lifetime access*

Video Topics

  • Rushing around 
  • Getting set up for the day 
  • Overwhelm 
  • Procrastination 
  • Gratitude and Acceptance 
  • Addiction to your devices 
  • Releasing worry about your child(ren) 
  •  School pick up  
  • Infusing more calm into your day  
  • Connecting with your children  
  • Mealtime Stress  
  • Great Nights Sleep

Tamara Donn

I help frazzled mums regain their calm, enjoy their kids and get more done. I'm the author of the award winning book, "Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day”. I am a parenting mentor, EFT trainer and family constellator and together with my husband, Peter Donn, we run the EFT training Centre, training people to become EFT practitioners in UK and online. My presentations include the two Mental Health Conference, St Albans, The Association of Peri and Pre Natal Psychology Congress in Los Angeles and the Womb To World Conference, London, We live in Hertfordshire with our daughter and in my spare time, I love running, dancing and hanging out in my allotment!

Course Pricing

Tapathon videos


  • 13 five minute EFT Tapping videos to help you through the stresses of the day of a mum

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* as long as this platform exists