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Frazzled to Fabulous Fast Track Programme

60 day 1-2-1 Programme for Mums to release the roots of mum-stress, guilt, anxiety & overwhelm, use EFT in their parenting & teach it to their kids

This is for you if you can relate to any of the following:

  • You are in a continuous state of stress and overwhelm
  • You spend your working hours worrying about your kids and your time with your kids worrying about your work
  • You lose it with your kids and feel guilty about it on a regular basis
  • You struggle with sleep and exhaustion due to overthinking, anxiety or babies waking you up
  • You've tried everything but nothing seems to stick
  • Your children are picking up on your stress or low moods

What's included?

  • Six 1-2-1 sessions (1 hour each) over a period of 60 days covering any of the following topics
    * Release stress/ anxiety/ overwhelm/ exhaustion
    * Create good habits that promote good sleep
    * Release the losing it and guilty cycle
    * Explore how your childhood affects your parenting
    * Apply EFT in your parenting
    * Teach EFT to your children
  • A digital download of my book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day
  • 30 daily tapping videos with tapping scripts to practice in your own time, along side our 1-2-1 work during the first month to support you in creating a tapping habit
  • 10 bonus tapping videos to support you during the second month of our work together
  • EFT basics videos if you have not done EFT before
  • Tapping script template to help you formulate your own tapping routines
  • One 30 minute  follow up session after the 60 day period to help you stay on track with the new Fabulous YOU!

Which means that you will:

  • have habitual powerful technique at your fingertips to difuse difficult moments in parenting and life
  • be able to use EFT with or for your children to support them in becoming confident young people
  • have the tools to get back on track when life goes pear-shaped
  • enjoy life more, have more gratitude for what is working well in your life
  • have the tools to accept what can't be changed and take action on what can
  • feel more at peace with your past

The Frazzled to Fabulous Fast Track Programme is for you if

  • You've had enough with how you are experiencing life and are motivated and ready to commit to having a better life for you and your family
  • You’ve tried other things (eg mindfulness, meditation, talking therapy, medication) but are still stuck
  • You know that your childhood memories are holding you back from being the mum/ wife/ woman you want to be
  • You are fed up with your inner voice telling you that you are not good enough/ clever enough/ thin enough/ anything enough to have the life you want!
  • You know or don't know EFT (either way, this programme can benefit you in magical and miraculous ways!)

What mums say

“Tamara, I cannot thank you enough for supporting me through a really incredible transformation with this programme. As you know I had dabbled with EFT with a number of effective sessions with you but when you released your  programme I felt really pulled to it. I came to it feeling weighed down by busy-ness. It felt very external to me but it didn’t take much tapping to begin to notice that I created the busy-ness myself to prevent the surfacing of difficult feelings. I am still in awe at how together we worked on “surface issues” like overwhelm and stress and got straight to the root of issues like my relationship with my mother.  

The change in me and my life is phenomenal.  

The tender work on my deepest inner experiences has led to enormous change in my experience of overwhelm and stress.  

I now either don’t feel overwhelmed at all which is incredible or if I do, I have the simple, practical, effective tool of tapping to release the overwhelm and if necessary, take me to the root to heal some more in there.  

It was brilliant having the videos or scripts every week to listen to and support me between sessions. The tapping itself was a revelation. So many possible uses! I have become something of an obsessive tapper! I see our work together really blossoming within me. I’m sure when I’ve finished pausing, I’ll come for another round! Thank you so very much.
” H

Before I started the programme I was concerned that it was expensive and unsure if it would be money well spent if the programme didn’t work.  

Once I started working with Tamara I became much more in touch with my emotions. I began noticing certain behaviour patterns in myself and through our work I was able to attribute those behaviour patterns to past events – I noticed that sometimes I was acting from a place of hurt/anger/resentment.  

Tamara helped me to heal a lot of past issues, right back to when I was a baby, this is an incredibly empowering experience. So healing and liberating. It has definitely me to understand why I am me and why I act and behave in the way that I do – positively and negatively. I began to change the way I thought and acted towards others, knowing that I was the only person who could affect a change if something was annoying me, it has made a huge difference, people started to react differently, in a positive way.  

I have become a very dedicated tapper, rarely does a day pass when I don’t tap. I tap because it really helps, with everything. You can heal so much, uncover layers gradually and gently heal any hurt or trauma, even things that you were initially unaware of.  I’m not saying it’s an instant cure all, more of a healing journey with immediately noticeable results.  

I would recommend the programme if you are keen to make your life easier, more manageable, less stressful. You do have to be willing to dig around a little bit but it’s all so worth it!”, CE, Joint Company Director, Kent

Tamara Donn

I help frazzled mums regain their calm, enjoy their kids and get more done. I'm the author of the award winning book, "Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day”. I am a parenting mentor, EFT trainer and family constellator and together with my husband, Peter Donn, we run the EFT training Centre, training people to become EFT practitioners in UK and online. My presentations include the two Mental Health Conference, St Albans, The Association of Peri and Pre Natal Psychology Congress in Los Angeles and the Womb To World Conference, London, We live in Hertfordshire with our daughter and in my spare time, I love running, dancing and hanging out in my allotment!

What is the investment?

The investment for the 60 day Frazzled to Fabulous Fast Track Programme is £900 per month for 2 months.

There is a £50 discount when you pay in full or you can pay in 2 instalments of £450

These are limited to a maximum of 3 new clients a month as I work with a small case load at any one time. 

Want to know have a chat to find out more? Book in a 20 minute call so you are confident that this is the right programme for you and can't wait to inspire you and watch you change for good :)

Course Pricing (10 slots are available at this price)

Two monthly payments

2 payments of


per month

  • £900 split between 2 monthly payments of £450

    • Six 1-2-1 sessions (1 hour each) over a period of 60 days
    • A digital download of my book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day
    • Short daily tapping videos with tapping scripts
    • EFT basics videos if you have not done EFT before
    • Tapping script template to help you formulate your own tapping routines
    • One 30 minute follow up session
I'm all in!

Single payment with discount


  • £50 discount when paid in full

    • Six 1-2-1 sessions (1 hour each) over a period of 60 days
    • A digital download of my book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day
    • Short daily tapping videos with tapping scripts
    • EFT basics videos if you have not done EFT before
    • Tapping script template to help you formulate your own tapping routines
    • One 30 minute follow up session
I'm all in!